Philadelphia's Afrocentric Storytelling Group

KOTC Logo (C) 1996 Columbus Knox
KOTC Logo (C) 1996 Columbus Knox
Message 2025
“Telling Our Story Claiming Our Glory,” is the motto of Keepers
of The Culture, Inc. (KOTC), Philadelphia’s Afrocentric
Storytelling Group. It draws stories upon oceans deep
of Black experience, told within traditions of the
“Jali – West African Storyteller,” and heard by audiences
of every nationality, ethnicity, and background around the world.
“Telling Our Story, Claiming Our Story” carries
with it in 2025 the energy of “Call and Response”. KOTC hears
the call, …“ KOTC - Tell the Story,” and KOTC providing quality
Black storytelling workshops and labs where people may learn the craft of
telling our story, is the response.
Destiny calls KOTC in 2025 to …“Bring the Story Home In All
Its Glory.” It directs us to now pull together – collective work and
responsibility endures; create impactful partnerships and artistic collaborations; and then on the global stage from classrooms to the courtroom, to the streets, to our stoops – proudly perform our story in all its glory. Response KOTC heeds destiny’s call as follow, “We are KOTC 2025 strong, willing and ready to tell the story and claim its glory. KOTC 2025 all in and accounted for”
KOTC 2025 Message To The Storytellers
With bonds of unity tight
KOTC gathers stories of culture and legacy
Elated to be amongst ones we greet
Hearing The Ancestors call
“KOTC Telling Our Story, Claiming Our Glory”
We seriously meet
See you in 2025
Yours Respectfully,
Keepers of The Culture Leadership Council (KLC)
Follow KOTC on Facebook
Contact KOTC by email
In 1991 storytellers and artists formed Keepers of the Culture,
Philadelphia’s Afrocentric Storytelling Group and served schools
and organizations throughout Pennsylvania,
New Jersey and Delaware with quality educational culturally
enriching storytelling experiences.
As a Keeper of the Culture Storyteller we
represent around the world. Our members have
performed and conducted workshops in the global community
of America, Africa, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean.
Keepers of the Culture artist storytellers offer
literary and educationally entertaining, customized storytelling performances and workshops.
Thousands in schools, organizations, festivals, museums, corporate
and social gatherings have enjoyed us both solely and as an ensemble.
Come create a KOTC adventure for yourself. Enjoy the journey.
We look forward to hearing from you.
KOTC Leadership Council (KLC) 2023 to 2025
Dr. Caroliese Frink Reed, Founding Member
Nashid Furaha-Ali
Wanda Giggets, Founding Member
Mama Nzinga
Jacqueline Wiggins
General Membership 2025 Officers
Mama Carla Wiley, Secretary
Nashid Furaha-Ali, Treasurer
Mama Nzinga Aselele -El, Spiritual Caretaker
Ron Carter, Spiritual Caretaker
Keepers Of The Culture, Inc. KOTC, or ("Khotsi") of Philadelphia is an educational, cultural art organization which seeks to perpetuate the African and African-American oral tradition.
We recognize the traditional African storytellers - griot's - were the true "Keepers Of The Culture." The griot's role as historians of the community helped people maintain a strong, positive sense of self and a clear understanding of the values of the community and the individual's role in the community.
The storyteller/griot presence insured that the history, culture and values of a people would be passed on in their own words.
We intend to highlight, reinforce and pass on the history and culture of African-Americans and their antecedents, to educate and nurture individual and collective self-esteem and foster pride of culture in our community-especially in our children.
Our objective is to do this by offering performances, workshops, seminars, mini-festivals and collaborations with other cultural arts organizations and artists of various disciplines in the Philadelphia area.
FIHANKRA - Adinkra symbol for a house of security, safety & unity.
Keeper Of The Culture
Keeper of our African culture.
I keep it through the telling
The telling of our stories.
Our Stories. Our Stories. Our Stories.
Reflecting our culture and
The history of our People, I say
The history of our People..
Throughout the entire world
Our mission is to
Entertain & Validate
Reinforce & Reinstate
The Truth of who WE are.
The Truth of who we are
The Truth of who we are
We are Keepers Of The Culture
(c) 2018 Wanda Gigetts, Founding Member
* * * * * * *
The Jali (jaa-lee) (male) and the Jalimuso (jaa-lee-muu-so) (female) are the practitioners of Jaliyaa (jaa-lee-yaa) in the Mande Diaspora of West Africa.
They are praise singers, storytellers, genealogists,
storytellers and negotiators. Jeliw (jeh-lew) (plural) perform a variety of roles in the community, and are messengers of good and bad news, e.g. birth, baptism, naming ceremonies, weddings, community meetings, war and death.
The Djali play the 21-stringed kora (kaw-ruh), xhalam(kha-lam), ngoni (ung-gow-nee) or Balafon (bal-laa-fon) during performances. The instrument of the Jalimuso is the nege (neh-gee), karinya (kar-inya) or karinyan, a tubular piece of metal,usually iron, that is struck with a metal stick.
The term griot (gree-ow) (male) and griotte (gri-otte) (female) is a French term preferred by European scholars to describe the Jali or Jalimuso.
The term became widely disseminated in the United States and the Caribbean upon the publication of the book Roots
(1976) by Alex Haley. African-Americans have embraced
the term as a positive and esteemed position in the culture.
Caroliese Frink Reed, M.S.L.S., Ph.D.
Akwaaba- (ahk-wah-bah)
Fihankra – (fee-ank-ra)
Djali – (djal-i)
Djalimuso – (djal-i-mu-so)
Aya- (eye -ya)
We support Kwanzaa principals in our community year round!
KOTC's dynamic storytellers enrich, educate, enlighten & entertain, everyone, everywhere!
Check out this great video!
Asante Sana (thank you)
Joslyn Duncan of Griot Works for organizing and capturing this memorable storytelling event in Philadelphia. Featuring Keepers Of The Culture's storytellers, musicians and artists.
KOTC Grows, You Grow You Grow, KOTC Grows
The Value of KOTC Membership
KOTC is a membership organization committed to preserving African Culture.
KOTC membership supports - Elder, General, and Youth - allows us to collectively bring quality cultural arts enrichment to schools, neighborhoods, and communities throughout the Philadelphia region including Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
If obtaining KOTC 2025 memberships interest you, please connect with us via the following platforms:
PO Box: 15083 Phila PA 19130
Attention: KOTC KLC